We perform our Customer Experience Audits from a Chef and restaurant owner perspective. This unique approach gives us the advantage of discovering problems and presenting solutions that you simply cannot receive from ordinary “mystery diner” services that use amateurs with no real restaurant experience.

Our comprehensive evaluations assess your operation from multiple angles including, as a business insider, real world customer expectations and your employee’s behavior. The customer experience begins before they ever arrive. Consider:

How do your customers find you?

What impression does your advertising give them?

How do they feel as they approach your business from the outside?

What’s their first focus upon entering?

Is your staff as attentive as they could be?

Is the seating layout diner friendly?

Can your customers easily find key menu items?

Is your menu designed to be user friendly?

Are the portions properly sized?

Do your customers feel they get what they pay for?

What took so long for my food to arrive?

Are people impressed or disappointed by the condition of the bathroom?

These and many other customer perceptions are what allow you to keep them coming back, or not. We all know there are no second chances to make a first impression. One mistake in many instances could be your last. Example:

True restaurant horror story; Phone rings… “I’ve been to your restaurant over a dozen times and everything was great, but last night we had awful service and the food came out cold. We’re never coming back!” Click… (insert frowny face…)

Not a call we want to receive! Unfortunately, patrons are 10 times more likely to repeat their restaurant horror story than they are to praise a good restaurant experience. According to online reports 51% of customers who have just one bad experience will never do business with that company again. It is anywhere from 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep one.

Let us help you keep your current customers and acquire new ones. Put our expertise to work for you.

You Can Dream, We Can Build


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